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International Conference ‚Doing Transitions in the Life Course. Discourses, Practices, Institutions, Subjects‘

Universität Tübingen Geschwister-Scholl-Platz, Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland

Conference programme (pdf) Transition research has developed and diversified across different disciplines, epistemological interests and approaches as well as research methodologies. Many studies conceive of transitions as linear steps in the life course from one stage to another. They share the understanding that success means mastering these challenges and thus offer an individualised view of transitions. The relationship, however, is not […]

International Conference „Relational Perspectives on the Life Course“

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland

The 3rd Doing Transitions International Conference will address “Relational Perspectives on the Life Course” and aims at bringing together the Doing Transitions research group with other researchers concerned with conducting research on life course transitions in a reflexive and relational perspective. The concept of relationality will be discussed in terms of different theoretical dimensions and methodological […]