On 1stof January 2020 the second PhD cohort, comprising 19 junior researchers, has started its work in the research training group Doing Transitions. At the universities of Frankfurt and Tübingen each, six PhDs are employed as researchers, while four in Frankfurt and three in Tuebingen are associated researchers (see also team). The group is complemented by the associated postdoctoral researcher Anna Wanka.
From 8th to 10th of January 2020 the involved professors and the new cohort met for a joint kick-off event in the Stift Bad Urach. The meeting served to get to know each other in terms of research as well as personally, and to introduce the research and training programme.
The official transition from cohort 1 to cohort 2 will be facilitated in the course of the international conference ‚Doing Transitions in the Life Course‘, February 17th to 19th 2020 at the University of Tübingen. In the future, several alumni events are planned to take place.