Marie-Theres Pooch, M.A.


Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
Graduiertenkolleg Doing Transitions

Institute of Education
Department of Social Paedagogy
Münzgasse 11
72070 Tübingen


Marie-Theres Pooch studied General Pedagogy/Andragogy and Sociology (minor) at the Fridericiana University of Karlsruhe and then went on to study for a Master’s degree in “Research and Development in Educational Science with a focus on Social Pedagogy” at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen. After graduating, she worked for a short time as a social pedagogue in youth employment assistance. In the years that followed, she worked on various third-party funded research projects at German Youth Institute Institute Munich (Department “Family Support and Child Protection”) and University of Stuttgart (Department “Sociology with a focus on social science research methods”). At University of Stuttgart, she was also entrusted with teaching tasks in the context of qualitative methods of empirical social research. In recent years, the educational scienctist has focused on the prevention of (sexualised) violence against children, young people and women. A key component of her work in recent years has been the use of qualitative and mixed methods. The target group of her research ranges from young people to representatives of various (educational) organisations.

Her research foci are: Research on violence and child protection (especially prevention of sexualised violence against children and adolescents; professional research; praxeological methodologies and theories; qualitative and quantitative research methods as well as mixed-methods approaches; youth research

In her doctoral thesis, she is focusing on the prevention of sexualised violence against children and young people in (educational) organisations. She is particularly interested in the orientation patterns of actors in various organisations that guide their professional actions.

PhD project

The dissertation project with the working title “Is the prevention of sexualised violence against children and adolescents a question of professional attitude? Professionalisation of actors in pedagogical organisations as transition processes” examines the extent to which the professional “attitude” as a section of organisationally framed, incorporated patterns of thought and action (habitus) of different actors influences everyday practices and actions in the context of protection against sexualised violence. The professional actions of these are not to be reflected independently of social – ergo organisational – practice; rather, professionalisation is to be understood as a transition in the interrelationship between action and structure.

The project focuses on the following central questions: What implicit orientations for action frame the way in which various actors deal with sexualised violence against children and adolescents? How does the organisational creation of professionalism in dealing with sexualised violence take place? Which professionalisation processes are made relevant by the actors?

The aim of the dissertation project is to provide theoretically framed starting points for the sensibilisation and professionalisation of pedagogical actors dealing with sexualised violence. In terms of basic theory, the work draws on praxeological theories such as habitus as a heuristic model; these are linked with organisational theory approaches that focus on the cultural patterns of professionals in organisations and references to transition research. The empirical-theoretical perspective is broadened by taking into account the interweaving and mutual overlapping of organisational and profession-related collective orientations in their dynamics and processuality. Guided, structured interviews with actors from various organisations are used for the analysis. The text material is analysed in a secondary analysis using the documentary method.

Publications & lectures

List of publications and lectures


WiSe 2023/24

„Qualitative Forschungspraxis: Auswertungspraxis (Meth) – Narrative Interviews und Narrationsanalyse“ (Seminar 2; together with: Antonia J. Krahl, M.A.), University of Stuttgart.

„Qualitativen Forschungspraxis: Auswertungspraxis (Meth); Fokus der Mitwirkung: Narrationsanalyse“ (Seminar 1; together with: Ann-Kathrin Wortmeier, M.A. und Tabea Freutel-Funke, M.A.), University of Stuttgart.

WiSe 2022/23

Qualitative Forschungspraxis: Auswertungspraxis – Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse, Narrationsanalyse, Grounded Theory Methodology, Dokumentarische Methode (Seminar; together with: Prof. Dr. Susanne Vogl und Antonia Krahl, M.A.), University of Stuttgart.

SoSe 2022

Qualitative Sozialforschung: Auswertungspraxis – Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse, Narrationsanalyse, Grounded Theory Methodology, Dokumentarische Methode (Block seminar, voluntary teaching programme; together with: Prof. Dr. Susanne Vogl, Antonia Krahl, M.A. und Tabea Freutel-Funke, M.A.), University of Stuttgart.


Associate Member oft he German Society for Educational Science (Commission Social pedagogy and Commission Qualitative educational and biographical research)

Former Memberships:

(until 2023) Network for training workshops for lecturer of qualitative research methods (founded by Prof. Dr. Nicole Weydmann, University of Furtwangen)

(until 2021) Member of internal working groups „Childprotection) and „Gender“ at German Youth Institute Munich