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Doing Transitions – Relational Perspectives: Workshop with lectures from Prof. Barbara Stauber, Dr. Melanie Lovatt & Dr. Kerstin Meißner
18 November, 2021 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
The Research Training Group „Doing Transitions“ launches the 2nd funding period (2021-2025). At both universities, Tübingen and Frankfurt, interested colleagues are invited to seminars introducing into the main research objectives and perspectives of this second half of the programme. In Tübingen, the meeting will take place at November 18th 2021, 5-8 pm, Münzgasse 11, room 8.
Please register for attendance at: https://eveeno.com/120078149
You will find details for registration also at the bottom of the poster.
Poster_Doing Transitions_Workshop Relational Perspectives__Tübingen_18.11.2021_final (Click here)
Due to the current pandemic situation, we have decided to hold the lectures both in presence and online. Please note on the registration form if you would like to receive the zoom link.
The event will be opened by Prof. Barbara Stauber. Under the title „Analysing transitions in the life course from a relational perspective“, she outlines what it means to re-frame the Doing Transitions approach as relational. This includes highlighting the benefits of a relational perspective for transition research and introducing three dimensions which will be of major concern for Doing Transitions in the next period: temporalities, materialities and social relations.
This introduction will be followed by two keynote lectures held by Dr. Melanie Lovatt and Dr. Kerstin Meißner – Mercator Fellows within the Research Training Group during the current winter term. They will contribute their perspectives on temporality and relationality during the life course with two guest lectures.
„Future matters: transitions and temporalities during the life course“: Dr. Melanie Lovatt discusses temporal identities and inequalities during the life course. She considers how our orientations towards the future might change as we age, how social groups can be temporally included in, or excluded from, the future, and why thinking temporally matters more than ever during a time of climate emergency and the COVID-19 pandemic.
„Bildung als Beziehungsweise(n) – centering relationality and dependency in educational practices“: Dr. Kerstin Meißner discusses how shifting away from autonomy as an educational goal and the “imperial odyssey of the self” (Mischke 2013, S. 324) within social science can ground new perspectives for educational theory-building and research. By centering dependency and relationality she asks how these concepts can help to disrupt the violent individualisation that is re-produced within educational systems and open ways of engaging in a decolonial and ethical more-than-human materiality.