Helena Müller, M.Sc.


Goethe-University Frankfurt
GRK Doing Transitions

IKB-building, 4th floor
Eschersheimer Landstraße 121
60322 Frankfurt am Main

postal address:
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 1
IKB-Gebäude, Postfach 3
60323 Frankfurt am Main


Helena Müller studied psychology at Heidelberg University and completed her studies with a master’s degree focusing on developmental and clinical psychology. After her studies, she worked as an architectural psychologist at bb22, architects + urban planners, in Frankfurt. In her PhD project, she focuses on transitions of elderly people to multigenerational cohousing. She is intrigued with the transaction between people and their environments as well as its meaning for the individual experiencing and behavior. This approach contributes to the research training program on the level of individual shaping of transitions in housing.


Müller, H. (2021). Umzüge älterer Menschen in gemeinschaftliche Mehrgenerationen-Wohnprojekte [Relocations of elderly people into multigenerational cohousing]. Opladen: Barbara Budrich.

Müller, H./Oswald, F. (2020). An Intergenerational Approach to Perceived Housing, Journal of Aging and Environment34(3), 270–290.

Müller, H./Wanka, A./Oswald, F. (2018). Wohnen und Wohnveränderungen im Lebenslauf. [Housing and changes in housing across the lifespan.]. In F. Kolland, R. Rohner, S. Hopf, & V. Gallistl (Eds.), Wohnmonitor Altern 2018 [Home monitor ageing]. Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen, Austria: Studien Verlag, 51–62.


Müller, H. (2020). ‘Then we’ll take it along even though we wouldn’t take it along’  On the role of spaces and things in transitions into multigenerational cohousing’ – presentation at the international conference ‚Doing Transitions in the Life Course. Discourses, Practices, Institutions, Subjects‘: 17 th–19 th February 2020, Tübingen.

Müller, H. (2019). ‘Then we’ll take it along even though we wouldn’t take it along’  On the role of spaces and things in transitions into multigenerational cohousing’ – presentation at the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region (IAGG-ER) Congress: 23 th–25 th May 2019, Gothenburg (Sweden).

Müller, H. (2019). UMGEWOHNT  Umzüge in gemeinschaftliche Mehrgenerationen-Wohnprojekte [Relocations to multigenerational cohousing] – discussion of the PhD project with Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt in the context of the workshop on theories of the research training group ‘Doing Transitions’: 15 th–17 th May 2019, Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main.

Müller, H. (2018). Transitions to multigenerational cohousing – presentation at the self-organized workshop ‚Linking Ages‘ for Early Career Researchers: 23 th & 24 th October 2018, Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main. 

Müller, H. (2018). Ziemlich UMGEWOHNT – Umzüge in gemeinschaftliche Mehrgenerationen-Wohnprojekte[Relocations to multigenerational cohousing] – Poster presentation at the German Psychological Society Congress: 15 th–20 th September 2018, Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main.

Müller, H. (2018). ‚Dann nehmen wir es trotzdem mit, obwohl wir es nicht mitnehmen würden‘ – Zur Rolle von Räumen und Dingen beim Übergang in ein gemeinschaftliches Mehrgenerationenwohnprojekt“ [‘Then we’ll take it along, even though we wouldn’t take it along’ – On the role of spaces and things in the transition to multigenerational cohousing] – presentation at the Gerontology and Geriatrics Congress: 6th–8th September 2018, Köln University.

Müller, H. (2018). Doing Transitions. Eine sozialkonstruktivistische Betrachtung von Entscheidungen an Übergängen im Lebenslauf [Doing Transitions. A social constructivist view on decisions at transitions in the life course] – presentation at the workshop ‚Lebensentscheidungen‘ [Decisions in life]: 2th & 3th March 2018, Münster University (together with Noreen Eberle and Dr. Anna Wanka).


Contribution „Wohnen im Lebensverlauf“ [‘Housing in the life course’] in the seminar „Lebenslauf, Generation, Biographie oder Entwicklung? Theoretische Perspektiven auf den Lebensverlauf“ [‘Life course, generation, biography or development? Theoretical perspectives on the life course’] (Dr. Anna Wanka, summer term 2018).

Contribution „Übergänge in ein gemeinschaftliches Wohnprojekt“ [‘Transitions to cohousing‘] in the seminar „Zu Übergängen forschen – Perspektiven und Methoden zur Erforschung von Übergängen im Lebenslauf“ [‘Researching transitions – Perspectived and methods for researching transitions in the life course’] (Dr. Anna Wanka, winter term 2018/19).


  • Frankfurter Forum für Interdisziplinäre Alternswissenschaften (FFIA)
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gerontologie und Geriatrie (DGGG)