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Public lecture with Mercator Fellow Tannistha Samanta: „State, Family, and Embodiment: An Aging Society in Transition“

Universität Tübingen, Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft, Raum 606

This lecture is open for interested people from the scientific community. In her talk, Mercator Fellow Prof. Tannistha Samanta (FLAME University in Pune/India) will draw on data from survey-based empirical and phenomenological studies to show how moral-cultural scripts govern the paradoxical realities of growing old in post-reform India. Specifically, this talk will focus on the […]

Workshop with Mercator Fellow Tannistha Samanta: „Gender & Reproduction“


The workshop is only for members of the research training group. The workshop will be divided into two segments: The first segment will focus on understanding the positioning of gender and reproduction in Tannistha Samanta's research work and how it has developed over time followed by her comments on the current focus at the moment, […]

Workshop with Mercator Fellow Tannistha Samanta: „Multimodal Analysis“


The workshop is only for members of the research training group. The Multimodal Analysis Workshop will largely focus on the following concepts: (a) Theory Building in Grounded Theory Research (using illustrative examples) (b) Introduction to qualitative content analysis (using answers from her own research) (c) Discussions on queer social sciences methods Additionally, the workshop will […]

Public lecture with Mercator Fellow Tannistha Samanta: „State, Family, and Embodiment: An Aging Society in Transition“

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Raum PEG 1G.131

This lecture is open for interested people from the scientific community. In her talk, Mercator Fellow Prof. Tannistha Samanta (FLAME University in Pune/India) will draw on data from survey-based empirical and phenomenological studies to show how moral-cultural scripts govern the paradoxical realities of growing old in post-reform India. Specifically, this talk will focus on the […]

Standortübergreifendes Kolloquium

Universität Tübingen Geschwister-Scholl-Platz, Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland

Die standortübergreifenden Kolloquien finden ca. vierteljährlich in Frankfurt, Tübingen und an dritten Orten statt. Sie bieten den Rahmen für die gemeinsame inhaltliche Arbeit an den einzelnen Projekten, den übergeordneten Fragestellungen und an der Konzeption, Planung und Reflexion des Kollegs als Ganzes. Neben der Gelegenheit sich in verschiedenen Arbeitsgremien auszutauschen (Betreuungstandem, Doc-AG, Steuerungsgruppe etc.) wird das […]